Saturday, February 5, 2011

Cosmic Snow, Forest, October Frost and Red Blues

Cosmic Snow 2010      18x18" oil on canvas

...this painting is part of a new series exploring
depth, colour and contemplative access to imagination....

 waiting for the moment the colour calls
waiting for an interior stillness...
and the impulse and energy
that moves the brush ...

“...the idea of visual art as a response to the life and to the energy of the world”
Jane Urquart The Underpainter
"Each artwork is possessed by the unseen forces that motivate its creation"
Alex Grey The Mission of Art

Forest 2010 50x65cm gouache on Fabriano paper

October Frost  2010 50x65cm gouache on Fabriano paper

Nature is dynamic and each tiny part of its energy pulses within the visible and invisible. When I'm painting I am often thinking simultaneously big and small

and exploring the idea that landscape may be microscopic or macrocosmic...

"Everything we see hides another thing,
we always want to see what is hidden by what we see" René Magritte

Red Blues 2011              50x65cm gouache on Fabriano paper


  1. Just found these Allyna, LOVE them....are there more in the series? Please post.

  2. Thanks Liz, that means a lot coming from you and loving your work too!
    If you mean the gouaches there are now close to 100!
    A studio visit might be in order....
