Wednesday, August 1, 2012

I am excited to be included in the upcoming "Tempo" music themed group show at Studio Georgeville in the lovely rolling hills of Quebec's Eastern Townships. Vernissage is August 18 - check out their web site for more details
Everyone welcome!

Allyna Harris, Rinpoche 2011, 30x40" acrylic on canvas (sold)
Here are some thoughts about my current paintings and the artwork for the Georgeville show:

My art reflects a desire to create visual works that are intuitive and authentic — paintings that offer contemplative moments of gazing; opportunities for the viewer to create a personal narrative; and imaginary worlds that invite us to enter through shifting perceptions.

Much the way one note transforms into another in a musical composition, one painted layer after another is covered over, masking and partitioning, shifting our point of view by creating intimate spaces within outlines which are, in turn, part of larger pictures.

I compose these paintings as improvisations, responding to the resonance of colour and form and the texture of the markings, with the attention of one musician listening and responding to another.

I paint the way I improvise music: line on line, colour on colour, texture on texture, rhythm on rhythm, and the finishing touches of dynamics and articulation.

I am also fascinated by the philosophy and accoutrements of Tibetan Buddhism : chanted prayers and prayer flags, embroideries and colour symbology, weavings and open sky landscapes, love and compassion.

Few of us experience an untamed wilderness free from" the constructs of the human mind" (Ram Dass). I am grateful for my daily access to the natural world, the influence it has on my paintings and my music making and how it allows contemplation and creative translation of the ephemeral energy of living things.

Light and shadow, movement and flow, ripples and spirals, skies through branches, forests, landscapes, fire, rain, earth and unforlding seedlings...these are some of my inspirations.